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What is life if not the most beautiful Acrobatics...

We are bold, inclusive and united.
We take care of people inside and outside the Group and are always ready to look at the world from diverse different points of view.
Be Acrobatic means always looking forward and upwards, because we Acrobats dream of becoming what we are not today, of realising a world that does not yet exist.
We dream of a different, ambitious construction industry that does not give itself limits or boundaries, but is always ready for the next challenge. A smiling, motivated, collective building, where the company is a group and colleagues are family; a building that is caring and respectful because it looks after people and their potential.
People who choose to join Acrobatica share a dream and are personally invested in it. They can count on a group of people who have made teamwork their mantra can receive customised training courses to help them realise their full potential and can grasp opportunities for growth in Italy and around the world..

No one said it would be easy. But for many it can definitely be worth it.

Acrobatica is group, it's challenge, it's something new every day, where I feel I can make a difference

Martina Pegazzano Group Investor Relator and Sustainability ManagerGroup Investor Relator and Sustainability Manager

Acrobatica is a company made up of people, each with a unique value for us. Our goal? Bringing out everyone's true potential.

Fabio MacellariMaster Area Manager - Rome

Watchword: Growth. In Acrobatica I have learnt that everything – happiness, satisfaction, fulfilment – depends on yourself.

Susanna Giardina Group Chief Human Resources OfficerGroup Chief Human Resources Officer

I love my job, I enjoy taking care of my team, meeting people and recognising their potential. Because I am certain that everyone can create value in Acrobatica

Martina InserraGroup Recruitment Manager

I can say that Acrobatica is the company that has changed my life. Here, we are all first and foremost people and not numbers. It's a 'different' company that allows you to grow not just as a professional, but, more importantly, as a person.

Jacopo Rossi Sales Director Northern ItalySales Director Northern Italy

At Acrobatica you can choose to become who you really are: we believe in people and we help them realise their dreams.

Stefano MarcenaroHuman Resources Italy Manager


Raffaele’s story

Head of Operation Italy

It all started in 2014 when I joined the Group to start the sales department in Florence. At that time, there were only four operational areas in Italy: the company objectives were clear, but of course Acrobatica was not yet the company it is today. So I started actively searching for customers and worked on quickly gaining their trust. After only a year, I could already rely on a large group of masons and the results exceeded expectations.

From that moment on, I always worked to achieve specific goals, which allowed me to grow very quickly: first I was appointed Franchising Project Tutor, then Franchising Area Manager, later Technical Director and then Franchising Sales Manager, until finally I was appointed Franchising Project Manager. As of 2023, however, a new challenge awaits me: I will take on the role of Head of Operations Italy.
As Head of Operations Italy, I am responsible for ensuring that the Italy operation is aligned with the company's objectives, for creating growth opportunities for people within the Group, and for ensuring that all operations departments are aligned with objectives.

The best part of my job is seeing all the people in the Group working to achieve their personal goals through the company's objectives, all in a machine made up of countless cogs working together 'drive the machine' towards the common goal.
Within Acrobatica, there are multiple opportunities for growth and each person has the chance to express his or her potential to the full: we strive to bring this process to fruition and to nurture everyone's aptitudes.


Financing Project Manager

I got to know EdiliziAcrobatica in 2007 when my mother, Anna Marras, became a partner of Riccardo Iovino. However, it was only in 2012, after the birth of my son Matteo, that I began working for the company. Initially, I was involved in supporting the selection area by contacting potential candidates. Later, I had the opportunity to experiment in a different field, focusing on external customer care. This led to the creation of the Customer Care Department, where I worked for several years as the head, discovering ways to improve our services by listening attentively to our customers' needs. This experience allowed me to contribute to the growth of the Group.

In 2022, my second daughter, Nicole, was born, and upon my return, I dedicated myself to a new project, "Condominium Financing." This is a truly useful tool capable of bringing great benefits to our clients by offering financing services for maintenance work.

I believe that Acrobatica gives everyone the opportunity to grow and fulfill themselves, without forgetting the importance of the Group's principles and values: putting people at the center. Whether they are internal or external clients, Acrobatica is a Group made of people. People without whom we wouldn't be where we are today, and who, we are certain, will continue to be the only real resource and key to our success.

Freddy’s story

Area Manager Master

I have lived in Genoa for 20 years and am originally from Ecuador. I joined Acrobatica more than 10 years ago as a site assistant. My growth has been unbelievable: starting as a mason, I went on to become Area Manager of my city. For me, this company has always represented great opportunity and I have done my utmost to grow, day after day, by constantly training myself and always accepting the new challenges that come to me from time to time. Today, I really think that nothing is impossible if you just want it badly enough. Ma soprattutto sono consapevole che quello che ho realizzato in Acrobatica sia qualcosa di straordinario che solo in questa azienda può accadere.But above all, I am aware that what I have achieved in Acrobatica is something extraordinary that can only happen in this company.

Sara’s story

Master Area Manager and Sales Director Liguria and Piedmont

My journey in Acrobatica began in 2018, when I was hired as a Sales Consultant in the La Spezia area.
Just a year after my arrival, I was promoted to Area Manager, with the task of coordinating and managing six teams of acrobatic masons and two sales consultants.
From 2022 onwards, I will take up the role of Master Area Manager and from March 2023 also that of Sales Director Liguria and Piedmont. If I were asked to describe in one sentence what I do, I would say: “I am in charge of supporting area managers to achieve their goals and dreams”.
So far, I can say that the “secret ingredients” that have enabled me to achieve this goal are: believing in your dreams, being strongly determined and being organised.
The thing I enjoy most about my job is seeing my satisfied and enthusiastic employees grow and achieve their goals, and knowing that I have contributed to their success.
My experience has taught me that growing in Acrobatica doesn’t require years of waiting. Instead, what counts is the mutual exchange – which generates value – and, above all, believing in dreams.

Giorgio’s story

Italy Coordinator

I started my career in Acrobatica as an “assistant mason”, i.e. supporting the foreman in site work. I quickly became a foreman myself and, thanks to the positive relationship I established with my colleagues and the results I achieved, I was given the role of area coordinator, then rope course instructor and now Italy Coordinator. This latter role consists of providing support to the coordinators of the areas under my management, through site inspections, productivity analyses and quality control. To do this, I have to constantly move between the different regions in which we operate (i.e. all over Italy) and so I always have the opportunity to meet different people, which is very enriching: one of the core values of working in Acrobatica.
In these nine years, I can say that I have grown professionally and personally without actually having had to ask for a promotion. Instead, what made my growth possible was meritocracy, a principle that allows the healthy development and improvement of a group.

Susanna’s story

Group Chief Human Resources Officer

Ho inviato il mio CV per curiosità. Group Chief Human Resources Officer I sent my CV out of curiosity. I’m from the construction world and the word 'Acrobatica' in the ad intrigued me. I thought: ‘that’s for me’, it's something different, alternative! So I sent in my application and my Acrobatica adventure began! An adventure of hard work, passion, ambition, connections and wonderful people. Watchword: Growth.

At EA I have learnt that everything depends on you! Happiness, satisfaction, fulfilment.
I have experienced the group's expansion and was an active part of it. In 2012 there were about 40 of us. I was in charge of personnel administration and then recruitment.
I brought in many valuable people – who are today's managers. And now I am Group Chief HR Officer, with a team of more than twenty people in Italy and abroad.

I grew as a woman, I became a wife, a mother twice and this was added value for me in my career, because I developed a greater sense of responsibility and organisation.

I love my job, because I love relationships and people, and I am aware that you can learn and give so much from every single person.
In EA there is room for everyone to grow if they really want it, if they trust the group and if they can see their dreams and share them.
I grew because I made others grow: to achieve things in life, you have to give!”
We believe in our people and we help them realise their dreams.

Fabrizio’s story

Italy Coordinator

In 2014, after spending 10 years in the traditional construction industry, I decided to invest in my education. So, combining my passion for climbing with my passion for construction, I decided to get my rope work licence.
After obtaining the certificate for working at heights, I applied to Acrobatica and my journey in the company started from there.

I started as an assistant, working on the new Nuvola di Fuksas congress centre in Rome. I helped mount the sheets that give the structure its characteristic appearance.
It was an opportunity to forge friendships – that still remain – and to measure myself against new professional challenges: on completion of the work, I was appointed trainer for the first franchises in Rome in 2016 and I began my journey as coordinator in 2017.

It was in 2018 that I became coordinator of the Rome Centre Trastevere area and was appointed Italy Coordinator in 2021, a role I still hold today.
In more detail, I am in charge of ensuring the productivity of operational resources. I monitor their constant growth in accordance with standards, through area coordinators aligned to company policies, principles and values, working in compliance with safety regulations and quality standards.
In addition to this, I am one of the lecturers who run the rope courses organised by our Academy. This is where our future operators train before they join the company.

What I love most about this role is the constant contact with the operational force, the opportunity to help the new area coordinators overcome the difficulties that I also faced when I was in their shoes, and supporting the operators and coordinators as they grow.
People’s growth of is in fact one of the pillars on which Acrobatica is founded: everyone can grow in this Group. To do this, it is essential to not give up, to seize opportunities, to be result-oriented, to work as a team pulling in the same direction towards a common goal and to always remember that you don’t reap what you sow, but what you care for.

Paola’s story

Group Quality Manager

I began my journey with EdiliziAcrobatica in 2013 after responding to an advertisement out of pure curiosity. I started my career in the company as a sales consultant. Over these 10 years, my role has evolved and changed, maintaining a common thread: taking care of people; initially focusing on external clients and later on internal ones. Thanks to the company's attention to its resources, I was able to express my best abilities, expand them with training, and have the freedom to choose roles and projects that most motivate and excite me.

As the Group Quality Manager, I am responsible for our clients' satisfaction in all aspects, which is the foundation for working and ensuring quality in everything we do! This involves collaborating with all company departments by measuring activities related to clients: from Customer Satisfaction to all control activities related to the post-execution phase of projects.

In EdiliziAcrobatica, growth is possible if you desire it! It is a company that offers the opportunity to those who come forward to concretely develop valuable projects that can benefit both the company and the people. To those who wish to grow, I would say: "Develop the idea you have in mind and propose it without fear!"

Acrobatica is where you can enhance your potential and become who you dream of being.

Jacopo’s story

Sales Director Northern Italy

My journey in Acrobatica began in late 2016 in La Spezia; I started off just hoping for the best, with a list of building administrators downloaded from the Yellow Pages. I was convinced that I had a truly futuristic and functional product that would shake up the construction market, which is hidebound by traditions and clichés that are difficult to overcome. Just a year after my arrival, the La Spezia area has become an established reality, with six operational teams and two sales teams. . Then, in 2019, Anna and Riccardo saw that I was a bit stuck in my comfort zone, so they gave me responsibility for the area management of Lombardy and Veneto – very important regions in terms of turnover and size. And in 2022 I was promoted to Sales Director Northern Italy, a position I still hold today.
My goal today is to get all the areas in northern Italy up to speed in sales and revenue, then to help my wonderful network get all the tools and motivation it needs to thrive.
I can safely say that EdiliziAcrobatica is the company that changed my life. Here, we are all first and foremost people and not numbers; we're “different” company that lets you grow as a professional, but above all as a person. . I couldn’t even add up how much training I have received and how much better I feel than when I first started.

Laura’s story

Area Manager

I joined the Acrobatica Group in 2019. I started off with a six-month training path as a sales technician, while also undergoing area manager training at the Siena office. I then embarked on the adventure of starting the new operational area in Valdarno, where I still am. My first goal was to make myself and the company known in this new territory, so I started distributing flyers, mapping the area, attending events, and knocking on the doors of technical service firms and condominium administrations. Thinking back, I admit it was tiring, but it was really worth it. In the months to come I could see my area grow; there was an increase in the number of operators and therefore teams, and an increase in construction sites. In short, it became a real, visible reality. Today, when I look back, I see that we have come a long way and I’m proud of the group and our area.
Acrobatica is a fantastic company!!! Here, if you really want it, you can really grow and you can make your dreams come true! And the most important thing is that you’ll never be alone in doing it: when you’re in trouble there’s always someone to lend a hand."

Miguel’s story

Italy Coordinator

I joined Acrobatica almost 21 years ago, when the company was still very small: there were just six of us, including the founder, Riccardo Iovino. . I started as a site assistant, since I already had some experience as a mason, and quickly learnt the double rope technique. Within a few months I was a foreman.
My drive and passion for my work have always spurred me on to grow and to put myself out there. I lent a hand wherever I was needed: when the Milan and Turin areas were set up, I gave support at operational level and then I became coordinator of Genoa when the opportunity arose a few years later. I was a coordinator for almost six years, after which I set my sights on new challenges. I also contributed to foreign growth and for a year I was based in Spain supporting the operational aspects of training for acrobatic masons. Now I am Italy Coordinator as well as lecturer in our WallManW Academy, the school where we train all the Group's production staff. Today, after 20 years in the company, I can only say I am happy and satisfied, but my desire to grow remains, as do the endless opportunities that Acrobatica offers me and anyone else who wants to get involved and improve.

Martina’s story

Group Investor Relator and Sustainability Manager

I joined the Group in 2016 as Recruitment Manager and have built a wonderful team over time. In 2019, I took on the role of HR business partner.

Later, after a period as Organisational Development Manager, I took up my current role: Investor Relator and ESG Manager. EdiliziAcrobatica is Group, it is challenge, it is something new every day, where I feel I can make a difference.

I love my job. . The fact that I can help define the Group's strategy and communicate it externally, interfacing with investors and major stakeholders, gratifies me enormously. The ESG project also encompasses all our values and principles with regard to people, the environment and governance. It completes a framework that makes me feel part of a unique group and allows me to live in a borderless world and have contact with different cultures. When I joined, the group had less than 200 people. Now there are more than 2,200 employees. The group had only a few offices in Italy but now boasts more than 120 of them, not only in Italy and Europe (France, Spain and the Principality of Monaco) but also in places as far afield and unique as Dubai.

Eugenio’s story

Project Manager at Acrobatica Multiservizi

It all started in 2015 when I decided to change jobs: I was looking for a company with strong values and principles, but above all with a 'spark'; something creative and counterintuitive. Thanks to Anna Marras’ and Riccardo Iovino’s great ability to make us believe in the dream of 'changing the way construction is done in Italy and the world', I decided to join Acrobatica.

I started out as a Sales Consultant in Rome, moving from junior to senior level, and then became Sales Manager in Rome.

Over the years, I have achieved my personal and business goals, thanks to the continuous support of colleagues and training – a key ingredient in this company. However, my “big opportunity” came in 2020, with the advent of the pandemic, when the company decided to invest in the sanitisation market.

It was then that I thought of creating a comprehensive solution: something that would go beyond just sanitisation and would expand the services we offer to our customers. That’s why I enthusiastically agreed to manage sanitation services nationwide. I presented a project which later became the basis of Acrobatica Multiservizi.

Thanks to the trust placed in me and the support from my colleagues, I was able to give shape to my idea, in agreement with the company, to create value in terms of new services to be offered and opportunities for as many people as possible.
So I started figuring out how to realise this dream and today I am proud to say that we are about 90 operational staff, a 2 million euro turnover and have performed our services on about 1,000 properties.

Today, my role is project manager: I am in charge of the entire branch in terms of analysis and definition of sales and technical objectives, and I am also in charge of project development, expansion and growth. What I like about my job is that I get the opportunity to interface with all the Group's staff and see those who join it grow over time.
When I stop to think about what has happened over the years and what lies ahead in the years to come, I get really excited. Because living in such a united, strong and ambitious company where every member can give their best, encouraged and supported by colleagues, is something rare, hugely valuable and rarely found in other companies.
Everyone has potential and for me, my greatest luck has been to have beside me, people who have helped me understand how important it is to dream big and how dreaming is the key to achieving your personal and professional goals!

Benedetta’s story

RSPP HSE Manager

My name is Benedetta. I am an architect and, above all things, I am a very lucky girl. Two months after graduating in Rome, I found my first job in a planning and design firm in Genoa. And, after a second experience in another architecture firm, it was in Genoa that my Acrobatica life began. My goal had always been to find a “non-work job”, i.e. something I was passionate about in a company that would become my home and family. When I came upon EdiliziAcrobatica in 2014, I realised I had achieved that.

I began as a technical manager and with the support of my colleagues and the monthly training I was fortunate enough to receive, I got the chance to grow professionally and personally and was able to relaunch my goals, which today bring me a step closer to taking on a new position that fills me with joy and pride: Construction site safety manager.

In the meantime, I met the love of my life, Freddy, at Acrobatica and I recently became the mother of our little girl Emilia... And, yes, I really do feel like a lucky girl because in spite of everything you read about discrimination against women in the workplace, here at EdiliziAcrobatica my motherhood has never been seen as an obstacle to my career, but rather as a new and stimulating aspect of my life as a woman, a mother and a professional.

Fabio’s story

Area Manager Centro Italia Smart Living

After spending a lifetime on football fields until the age of 25, I joined my father's company, where I started gaining experience in the first construction sites, dealing with renovations and constructions. In May 2018, I sent my CV to Acrobatica and was selected as the Technical Manager of Viterbo. After attending the start-up course in Genoa, my training continued in the Rome Trastevere Center area. From the very first day I stepped into that office, I felt something I had never experienced before. Seeing the work I had been doing for a long time from a different perspective made me realize how I could understand my city, Rome, in a more comprehensive way to better value and take care of it. That same evening, I called the Management and renounced the role of Technical Manager of Viterbo, asking to become a Commercial Consultant in the Rome Center area to stay in my city. From that day on, I fell even more in love with my job.

After six months, I was asked if I was interested in becoming the Technical Manager of Rome Center - Trastevere. For me, it was a truly wonderful day because I would become responsible for a very important area of Rome. Working with great determination, eagerness to challenge myself, and humility, with a fantastic and united group, I later accepted the role of Master Area Manager, a figure who supports people in achieving significant goals in their B.U. or trains other Technical Managers. Seeing people grow and succeed is the greatest satisfaction for me because it allows me to grow in turn and reach increasingly stimulating goals.
Growth in this company is possible, and it is what motivates me the most. For me, it is exciting to discover the world of Acrobatica every day, which is always evolving, and even more so to be a part of it! Acrobatica is a company made of people, each with a unique value for us. Our goal? To bring out the true potential of each person.