EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A., the first Italian company in the field of double safety rope operational building,
welcoming the changing needs of the country and people, to face the delicate moment it is experiencing,
announces that it will soon be operational with a new service for the sanitization of residential
environments in favour of its customers.
“Given the serious situation we are experiencing in Italy – comments Riccardo Iovino CEO and founder of
EdiliziAcrobatica – and given the further, and certainly necessary, restrictive measures contained in the
‘Close Italy’ Decree, which require us to temporarily suspend construction sites and therefore our core
business, we have decided not to remain – as usual – with our hands in hand and try to really seize this crisis
as an opportunity for growth and renewal of our company. We have therefore immediately taken steps to
purchase the machinery, products and all the safety devices for the operators and in the next few days,
responding to the pressing requests already received from many of our customers, we will be able to
proceed with the restoration and sanitization of hallways, stairwells and elevators of buildings throughout
Italy: the service will be provided by all the more than 80 sites that we have on the national territory.
Everything will obviously take place according to the dictates required by the Authority and in compliance
with safety distances”.
In this way, EdiliziAcrobatica intends to ensure its employees and collaborators (about 800) an important
continuity of work: “We are already talking about the economy of war – explains Anna Marras, partner and
administrator with delegation to Human Resources – but for our part we want to transform this difficult
moment for our collaborators and their families too, in which yesterday’s certainties are shaken, into an
opportunity for renewal for tomorrow. As entrepreneurs we feel the responsibility to do our part not only for
the people who work with us, but also for our customers and suppliers”.
“The investment we have decided to make – concludes Iovino – the creation of a new branch of business in
which we have committed ourselves to be active in record time, is our contribution to the restart of our
country and its economy”.
Deborah Dirani
Press Office
EdiliziAcrobatica SpA
Directorate General
Viale Brigate Partigiane 18/2A
16129 Genova (GE)
Mob: +39 393 8911364