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  • EdiliziAcrobatica SpA in Italy increase from € 28.2 to 28.6 million (+1.4% vs. Q1 2023)
  • Revenues also grow in France, Spain and Monaco, and at Enigma
  • Acrobatica Energy is transforming its photovoltaic business and has already made revenues of € 150k
  • Total group revenues stand at € 33.3 million (-3.8% vs. Q1 2023)

Genoa, 7 May 2024 – Anna Marras, Chief Executive Officer of EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. (“Company” or “ACROBATICA”), met today with the Board of Directors to present the data relating to the Company’s national and international revenues, not subjected to statutory audit. Consolidated revenues as at 31 March 2024 amounted to € 33.3 million, a slight decrease compared to the same period of the previous year, when they amounted to € 34.6 million.

Specifically, in Italy, revenues generated in the first quarter increased by 1.4% from € 28.2 million in 2023 to the current € 28.6 million. This figure is absolutely positive and in sharp contrast to the construction sector, which, as is well known, has been severely affected by the end of government incentives.

With regard to the foreign companies, thanks to the actions put in place in the second half of 2023, Acrobatica France performed well, up +9.1% compared to the first quarter of 2023, from € 1.1 million to € 1.2 million; as did Acrobatica Iberica, which improved its performance by 50%, from € 300k to € 450k. Acrobatica Monaco’s result was also positive. Having inaugurated its operating office last September, and thus having obtained fundamental visibility in the Monegasque territory, it generated revenues of € 190k, compared to € 30k for the same period in 2023. Finally, the excellent performance of Enigma in the Middle East should be noted, which recorded revenues of € 2.7 million; in the same period last year, prior to the acquisition by Acrobatica, the Middle East companies had generated revenues of € 2.2 million.

With regard to Acrobatica Energy, which is undergoing a business conversion in 2024, switching from government incentives to the photovoltaic business, in the first quarter the company has already generated revenues of € 150k, while laying the groundwork for the upcoming quarters of the year, when it will reap the expected results. In the same period of the previous year, revenues from the government incentive business amounted to € 5 million.

Nevertheless, the group is proving able to address legislative and market changes with excellent resilience and a spirit of adaptation, and even achieved a revenue volume in the first quarter of 2024 that was broadly in line with the same period in 2023.

It is in Acrobatica’s DNA to accept challenges and change,” commented Anna Marras, CEO of Acrobatica. “It did so when it was founded 30 years ago, with the aim of revolutionising the construction culture in Italy and around the world, and it does so again today with Acrobatica Energy, which has once again chosen to get involved in a market full of medium/long-term opportunities, which, thanks to the new European Green Deal, is destined to gain more and more traction. We have therefore chosen to believe in a new business, which we have taken on emboldened by a highly valuable business project that creates jobs for an increasing number of people.

“The revenues generated in the first quarter of 2024 for Acrobatica are particularly significant”, commented Riccardo Banfo, Chairperson of Acrobatica’s Board of Directors,and deserve a positive analysis for several reasons, especially in a context where the Italian construction sector has been hard hit by the end of government incentives. Even abroad, the group has shown clear signs of resilience and an ability to excel in the face of adversity. With a clear vision and an effective strategy, Acrobatica is not only overcoming immediate challenges, but is also charting an exciting course for the future”.