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Iovino: “The implementing decree is still missing, but we’re ready to go.”
EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A., the first Italian company in the field of double safety rope operating in the
construction sector, confirms that, despite the absence of an implementing decree concerning the
procedures that will regulate the Ecobonus by 110%, it has already set in motion to be operational the day
after the publication in the Official Journal of the Decree itself.
“In these days – explains Riccardo Iovino, founder and CEO of EdiliziAcrobatica – we have received many
requests, from all over Italy, from condominium administrators and private citizens who choose our
services for the renovation of their homes. All, equally, are anxious to be able to carry out the works that,
according to what the Government has so far provided, will benefit from the Ecobonus. While waiting for
the Implementation Decree that will illustrate the terms and conditions of the incentive, we have set up an
internal task force, as EdiliziAcrobatica, which is already committed to accept these requests and ensure
the immediate operation, throughout Italy, in accordance with the Government’s provisions. Given these
premises, our effort, also from a technical point of view, is aimed at ensuring our services and, as soon as
possible, i.e. when the Implementing Decree will be in force, give our customers the opportunity to take
advantage of the 110% bonus”.

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Deborah Dirani
Press Office

EdiliziAcrobatica SpA
Directorate General
Viale Brigate Partigiane 18/2A
16129 Genova (GE)
Mob: +39 393 8911364