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Genoa, 7 June 2022 – EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. continues to grow, demonstrating once again in H1 2022 that it is a company capable of double-digit performance with total contracts signed of €70 million, +27.27% compared to the €55 million of the same period in 2021.

An excellent result that underscores the solidity of a company that, even in the first six months of a 2022 characterised by strong uncertainty caused by increases in the prices of raw materials and energy costs, never reversed its growth trend, in the last month alone inaugurating three new points (in Milan, Palermo and Reggio Calabria) and continuing to hire personnel.

The performance of the Italian franchise network during H1 2022 was also positive, continuing the growth seen in 2021.

In terms of internal growth, the Group reached a total of 1,538 employees at 30 June 2022, 27.42% more than the 1,207 people employed in the same period last year.

The results of EdiliziAcrobatica France were also solidly positive, closing the first half of the year at €2.61 million, up by 35.94% compared to €1.92 million in the previous year.

With regard to the Spanish EA Iberica, in operation since the last quarter of 2021, we can report that the value of the contracts signed was €486,000.

“I am quite satisfied with these results”, confirmed Riccardo Iovino, CEO & Founder of EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. “They are the result of the work and commitment of all the people in the group. Now we’re preparing to face a second part of the year with the same positive and productive spirit that sets us apart, ready to take on new, exciting challenges both in Italy and abroad”.

This press release is available online at and on the Issuer’s website at (Investor Relations / Press Releases section).