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Genoa, May 15, 2020 – EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A., the first Italian company in the field of double safety rope
operational building, launches the first APP in Italy for condominium administrators thanks to which,
despite the restrictions necessary to contain COVID-19 infections, it will be possible to hold periodic
meetings. It is called EAcondominio and can be downloaded from iOS and Android. Easy and
understandable, EAcondominio, puts the administrator in direct connection with its customers, allowing
him to offer them an advanced digital service.
“The idea of an APP for condominium meetings – explains Vincenzo Polimeni, Head of Sales of
EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. – came to us talking to the many administrators who complained about the difficulty
of keeping in touch with condominiums. If on the one hand the pandemic has reshaped our usual lifestyles,
forcing us to social distancing, on the other hand it is necessary to be ready to seize the opportunities that
these changes impose on us. Here, then, that EAcondominio intercepts and responds to a concrete need
that was created in this month and a half: a need that only last February seemed unthinkable: to hold
condominium meetings remotely, participating all from home, voting, expressing opinions and opinions,
just as if we were all together in the same room, with extreme simplicity. The COVID-19 emergency did not
stop the productivity of EdiliziAcrobatica, which, after having inaugurated a new branch of the company
dedicated to sanitation (and already operational) in record time, returns to accept the pressing requests of
its customers and, in just two weeks, develops an APP designed for administrators but also tailored to the
needs of condominiums. “In addition to the advantage of making the meetings possible – continues
Polimeni – documents and estimates can be uploaded and archived in the APP, so that they can be accessed
at any time by all users”.
The EAcondominio App was developed by EdiliziAcrobatica in collaboration with the software house
“We have always maintained that for us there is no crisis that cannot become an opportunity – conclude
Riccardo Iovino and Anna Marras, CEO and CEO with responsibility for Human Resources of
EdiliziAcrobatica – The test that the pandemic has subjected us to was just a test that we used to improve
and grow even more, continuing to keep people at the center of our attention, in their uniqueness and
Find out more on the website:

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