The financing is included in the Intesa Sanpaolo Basket Bond Programme in partnership with ELITE to
support the most virtuous Italian SMEs.
Milan, 28 July 2020 – EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. (the “Company”), Italy’s leading company in double safety rope
construction works, such as maintenance and renovation of buildings and other architectural structures,
listed on the AIM Italia segment organized and managed by Borsa Italiana (EDAC ticker) and on Euronext
Growth (ALEAC ticker), informs that on July 27, 2020 the Company has signed with Intesa Sanpaolo S. p.A. a
subscription contract concerning the issue of a bond for a total of Euro 10,000,000.00 (the “Bond Loan”), as
part of a broader operation called “Elite – Intesa Sanpaolo Basket Bond”.
The main terms governing the Bond Loan are as follows:
– Amount: maximum Euro 10,000,000.00 (ten million point zero zero cents);
– Subscribers: the bonds will be fully subscribed by Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.;
– Quotation: the bonds will not be listed;
– Issuing method: the bonds will be issued in a single tranche;
– Form: the bonds will be issued in dematerialised form and centralised at Monte Titoli S.p.A.;
– Issue price: the issue price will be equal to 100% of the nominal value of the bonds;
– Minimum denomination of the Bonds: the minimum denomination of each bond will be Euro 100,000.00
(one hundred thousand point zero zero cents). The bonds will be subject to circulation exclusively among
qualified investors, as defined in Article 100 of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 and Article 34-ter, first
paragraph, letter b) of CONSOB Regulation no. 11971/1999;
– Interest: the interest rate of the bonds will be a fixed rate (with a deferred semi-annual coupon)
and will be 3.30% (three point thirty percent) on an annual basis;
– Maturity/duration: the duration of the bond will be 7 (seven) years from the date of issue;
– Repayment: the repayment profile will be on an amortising basis, with a pre-amortisation period of 2
(two) years. The bond issue is aimed at developing (i) new markets through the strengthening of the
commercial presence, (ii) continuation and consolidation of the internationalization process, (iii) new
business lines also through merger & acquisition operations of companies or individual business units, as
well as the strengthening and/or rationalization and/or efficiency of the production areas both in Italy and
abroad, in order to strengthen its presence in the reference markets and develop working capital in relation
to the growth in revenues.
Companies belonging to the Intesa Sanpaolo Basket Bond have the opportunity to access the Intesa
Sanpaolo ELITE Lounge, the path that offers companies a set of tools and services designed to accelerate
their organizational and managerial development and to support the raising of capital by fostering the
growth and cultural approach of companies to available forms of funding, including capital markets.
In the Transaction EDILIZIACROBATICA S.p.A. was assisted by EMINTAD ITALY as Financial Advisor, by Studio
Legale LCA as the issuer’s lawyer and by Studio Grimaldi as the bank’s lawyer.
Finally, it should be noted that upon the occurrence of the conditions precedent provided for in the
Securities Subscription Agreement, the Bond will be issued in the coming days.
“After the positive experience of the issuance of a first 5 million euro bond made in 2017 – comments
Riccardo Iovino, Founder and CEO of EdiliziAcrobatica – and in view of the growth strategy that provides for
major investments in internal digitization in the coming years, essential to encourage the expansion of
EdiliziAcrobatica throughout the country, with the opening of hundreds of new operating areas, and the
acquisition of several companies in major European countries, we have chosen to strengthen our financial
position through the introduction of a Basket Bond on the market. It is no coincidence that we decided to
implement this operation precisely at a time of market uncertainty: the expansion objective we have set
ourselves, which envisages replicating throughout Europe a perfectly scalable business model such as the
Italian one, is ambitious but within our reach, all the more so if planned and pursued well in advance and
with the necessary financial means”.
Deborah Dirani
Press Office
EdiliziAcrobatica SpA
Directorate General
Viale Brigate Partigiane 18/2A
16129 Genova (GE)
Mob: +39 393 8911364