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Genoa, 7 February 2022 – EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. closed the month of January 2022, the first with the Façade Bonus reduced from 90 to 60%, with a +44% increase in the value of contracts signed, totalling €5.47 million compared to €3.8 million in January 2021.

This result is absolutely in line with the constant growth that the company has invariably maintained over the last 10 years, and shows how its business model can easily absorb the inevitable repercussions of the discontinuation of incentives such as the Façade Bonus.

The performance of the Italian franchise network was also positive, essentially seeing its performance unchanged compared to January 2021, bringing in €1.6 million versus €1.68 million last year.

In terms of internal growth, the Group reached a total of almost 1,400 employees at 31 January 2022, compared with 1,041 at 31 January 2021.

The results of EdiliziAcrobatica France were also solidly positive, closing the first month of the year at +38%, reaching €315 thousand in new contracts signed compared to €228 thousand in January 2021.

The Spanish NewCo EA Iberica also started the year well, thanks also to the opening of the first point in Barcelona, which has already stipulated contracts for €61.6 thousand in value.

Riccardo Iovino, CEO & Founder of EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A., explains that “For those who work in the construction sector, January is a complicated month. The weather doesn’t facilitate outdoor work, which accounts for the largest share of what we do. Furthermore, consider that the month of January was the first with the Façade Bonus reduced from 90 to 60%. Nevertheless, once again, thanks to the work and constant commitment of our human resources, the Group was able to achieve an absolutely positive result compared to 2021”.