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Genoa, 10 August 2020 – EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. (“Company” or “EDAC”), a company specialized in double
safety rope construction works, such as maintenance and renovation of buildings and other architectural
structures, listed on the AIM Italia segment of the Italian Stock Exchange (EDAC ticker) and on Euronext
Growth (ALEAC ticker), announces that today the managing director Riccardo Iovino has resigned from his
position as director, effective as of the next shareholders’ meeting to be called by the end of August, in
ordinary and extraordinary session, which will be called to resolve, inter alia, on the approval of the merger
by incorporation into EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. of certain companies wholly owned by the parent company.
EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. informs that the company Arim Holding S.r.l., with registered office in Florence, Via
Pier Capponi 89, VAT no., tax code and Florence Company Register number 06817050484, has expressed to
the Board of Directors of the undersigned company its willingness to be appointed as a new member to
complete the administrative body.
As of the date of this press release, Arim Holding S.r.l. holds an interest of approximately 76.24% in the
share capital of EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. and the resigning director Riccardo Iovino is the sole director of the
aforesaid company. The possible appointment of Arim Holding will therefore guarantee full and complete
continuity in the management of the Group as well as greater efficiency and cost containment ensuring
that Riccardo Iovino, in the aforementioned capacity as sole director, continues to be the reference point
for the Group. The reasons for the aforementioned resignation are therefore to be considered to make the
appointment of Arim Holding S.r.l. technically possible also in consideration of its willingness and approval
for taking office. In this regard, it should be noted that the effectiveness of the resignation of Riccardo
Iovino, being preparatory to the possible appointment of Arim Holding S.r.l. as a new member of the Board
of Directors of the Company, remains subject to the effective appointment and acceptance of the office by
the aforementioned company.
Therefore, in consideration of the resignation of Riccardo Iovino which will take effect as of the date of the
next Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company, the Company will be called upon to resolve, inter alia, on the
integration of the Board of Directors of the Company through the appointment of a new member,
determining the relative remuneration.

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Deborah Dirani
Press Office

EdiliziAcrobatica SpA
Directorate General
Viale Brigate Partigiane 18/2A
16129 Genova (GE)
Mob: +39 393 8911364