Genoa, 26 June 2018 Further to the press release of 13 February 2018, EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. (“EDAC” or
the “Company”), a group founded in 1994 in Genoa by Riccardo Iovino, specialized in safety double rope
construction works, such as maintenance and renovation of residential, public, corporate and religious
buildings, confirms that it has started the preparatory activities for the admission to trading of its ordinary
shares (the “Shares”) on AIM Italia/Mercato Alternativo del Capitale, a multilateral trading system
organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.. (“AIM Italia”) and announces some of the terms and
conditions provided for in the initial public offering process (the “Listing”).
Summary of the Listing Transaction In the context of the Listing Transaction, an offer of newly issued EDAC
ordinary shares will be made for a maximum of Euro 10.000,000 to qualified Italian and foreign institutional
investors (excluding Australia, Canada, Japan and the United States of America, in accordance with the
provisions of Regulation S adopted pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933) and for a maximum of Euro
3.000,000 to non-qualified investors exempt from the provisions on public offerings, it being understood
that the total value of the offer may not in any case exceed Euro 10.000,000. It is also envisaged that the
EDAC shares subject to the offer will be combined with warrants free of charge (at a ratio of 1 warrant for
every 3 subscribed Shares) and that an economic compensation mechanism will be implemented for new
shareholders through “Price Adjustment Shares” as a result of which, in the event of the Company’s failure
to achieve certain profitability targets, the number of Company shares held by the majority shareholder will
be reduced (thus increasing the percentage of the Company’s share capital held by the other shareholders).
It is also expected that the Company and the majority shareholder will enter lock-up commitments, in line
with market practice for this type of transaction, for a period of 24 months from the date of
commencement of trading. Finally, in the context of the listing transaction, a so-called green shoe option
will be granted for shares deriving from a specific capital increase, as well as the approval of a stock option
plan for certain employees, consultants and members of the Board of Directors of the Company and the
Group, identified among key personnel.
Motivation and strategic rationale with the proceeds raised from the listing, the Company intends to
support plans to grow and strengthen its competitive position in the national and international
restructuring market.
The strategic objectives identified by the Company include the following:
1- the consolidation of its presence on the Italian market, through the opening of new operating,
direct and franchising offices and the development of divisions dedicated to certain key sectors (in
particular corporate, public administration and religious structures);
2- geographical expansion, through M&A operations – in particular through acquisitions of leading
foreign companies active in the same sector – and the expansion of the client portfolio in new
3- the consolidation of its brand image and brand awareness, through advertising campaigns and
promotional activities, as well as the strengthening of the presence of brands and distinctive signs;
4- the strengthening of the Group’s organisational structure through the inclusion of new managerial
figures (mainly in the human resources, marketing and information technology areas) and the
implementation of a new research and development department focused on the development of
new materials and services.
Other conditions The total number of Shares offered, in addition to the other relevant conditions of the
listing transaction, will be determined close to the start of the placement. EDAC is assisted in the listing
process by Banca Profilo (Nominated Adviser, Global Coordinator and Specialist), Emintad (financial
advisor), Iccrea Banca Impresa (Co-lead manager), ADB (financial advisor), LCA Studio Legale (legal advisor
to the Issuer) and Deloitte (Independent Auditors). Pedersoli Studio Legale acts as legal advisor to Banca
Profilo and Iccrea Banca Impresa.
The main economic data as at 31 March 2018 The consolidated economic data as at 31 March 2018
confirm the significant growth trend recorded by the Company and the Group in recent years, which was
also achieved thanks to the Company’s ability to penetrate the market – through the opening of direct and
franchised operating offices, which increased from 35 as at 31 March 2017 to 56 as at 31 March 2018 – and
investments in staff training and business culture. In particular, as at 31 March 2018, the Group recorded
revenues of Euro 4.8 million (+39.2% compared to Euro 3.4 million as at 31 March 2017) and EBITDA
amounted to approximately Euro 0.8 million, a great increase (+100.6%) compared to approximately Euro
0.4 million as at 31 March 2017. Net financial indebtedness as at 31 March 2018 amounted to Euro 4.3
million, of which Euro 5 million deriving from bonds issued by the Company on 29 September 2017 and
expiring on 29 September 2023, listed on the professional segment ExtraMOT PRO managed by Borsa
Italiana S.p.A.
EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. EdiliziAcrobatica is a group specialized in double safety rope construction works for
residential buildings, Public Administration works, corporate buildings and offices (corporate sector),
religious structures and others. The group provides a wide range of services, such as: renovation,
maintenance, installations, safety and emergency intervention, cleaning, waterproofing and roofing. The
group has four investee companies and as of March 31, 2018 has 56 operating offices throughout Italy,
which allow a deep geographical penetration, covering an area from Valtellina to Sicily.
Nominated Adviser (Nomad)
Banca Profilo S.p.A.
T +39 02 584081
F +39 02 5831 6057
Alessio Muretti
Emittente EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A.
Via Turati 29 – 20121, Milano
T +39 010 3106912 F +39 010-3106440
Press Office – Deborah Dirani
Mob: +39 393 8911364