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Barcelona, 11 April 2022 – EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A., the multinational founded in Italy 28 years
ago and which today also has operating areas in France and the Principality of Monaco, has
inaugurated its first branch office in Spain, at Carrer de Girona 134, in the heart of Barcelona.
The inauguration comes three months after the area became fully operational (in the first
quarter it signed contracts worth €230,000) and less than a year after the agreement with
Acces Vertical, which gave rise to the NewCo EDILIZIACROBATICA Iberica.
Riccardo Iovino, CEO & Founder of EdiliziAcrobatica, remarked, “We are very happy with this
achievement, which, despite the organisational problems caused by the pandemic, has
allowed us to be present in Barcelona with our first point situated in a central, clearly visible
position, just like all our points in Italy and France. As always – that is, as with every other
time Acrobatica that entered a new territory – it’s only the beginning of a new adventure
that the entire Group strongly believes in. Wherever we have gone, we have always
demonstrated that we have a perfectly replicable and scalable business model that allows us
to achieve great economic and financial results in a short time, while at the same time
creating new jobs. And add to this what we at EdiliziAcrobatica consider to be our mission:
to take care of the beauty of the buildings and monuments of every city. So for us being in
one of the most beautiful and interesting cities in the world means knowing that we will be
called upon to work to preserve a historical and cultural heritage of immense value”.
“The opening of the headquarters in Barcelona is the first step on the long road that is the
EA Iberica project”, noted Ferran Parra, CEO of Acces Vertical. “It was only a few months ago
that Acces Vertical and EdiliziAcrobatica joined forces to create the future leader in vertical
works in Spain, and today we can confidently affirm that the Spanish launch was a success.
Indeed, in just a few months EA Iberica consolidated its Barcelona office and opened an office
in Lleida, which is now fully operational. In general terms, the project has already doubled its
staff. The inauguration of the new branch therefore represents both the conclusion of the
first stage, since it gives us direct access to the market of Barcelona with an office located on
the city’s main artery, and at the same time marks the beginning of the second phase of our
expansion considering that this will serve as a training centre for all the new partners who
will undertake the next openings in Spain. From all this it is clear that we are on the right
track and that we are well on the way to further advancing our Iberian expansion”.

This press release is available online at and on the Issuer’s website at (Investor Relations / Press Releases section).